Migrants living in Germany do not represent a homogeneous group. Many of them have lived in Germany for a long time whereas others have arrived only recently, some whom have gone through traumatic experiences while fleeing.
Especially migrants and refugees who have arrived only recently often have very little knowledge of the German health system and the services available to them. We believe that it is our mission to inform them on (sexual) health and to make it easier for them to access the health system and services.
This is what we offer in connection with migration:
– Counselling
We offer anonymous and confidential counselling, if necessary with the aid of interpreters, on topics such as:
Sexually transmitted infections, HIV and testing options
Support and guidance for HIV-positive patients
Legal rights according to German immigration and social law and medical questions
Bettina Deuschle
Fachbereich Frauen und Migration
0761-151 4664-16